We just spent our 2023 Spring break at Niagara Falls. We stayed overnight at the Canada side but still went to some of the main sites at the USA side. This was a super fun trip with friends and plenty of kids for our Easter/Passover 2023 break. The kids ages were between 1 year old all the way to 13 years old, so we made sure to have kid friendly activities but also plenty of fun for the adults.
Let's start with the weather! Be prepared for anything! It was very cold for many days and then it got warm for the very last day there. We got from 20 degrees to 70 degrees in the last day! So yes, be ready for anything!

Before I go to the list of 10 things to do in Niagara Falls, I want to share my experience with my passport. The night before leaving for our trip, I found everyone's passport but mine. Clearly I lost my passport. I was very close to just skip the trip and let my husband take the kids... however, I decided to take a chance with my expired passports, plenty of legal documents and everything you could image. I even tried to get a one day passport at Buffalo NY but I never found availability, so I wanted to give it a shot at the boarder. I explained my situation at the boarder and his answer surprised me. The agent told me that I could use my expired passport through the land boarders with no issues. OMG, i have never heard that one before!!! To make the long story short, I did not have any issues to go through the boarder between Canada and USA (in and out) with my expired passport!!!! Of course, I already cancelled my old passport and ordered a new one (after this trip) and now ready for my next trip!
Here is the list of the top 10 things we did at Niagara Falls (with kids) between Canada and USA.
10 Things we did and more…
🇨🇦 1. Niagara Falls Canada

🇨🇦 2. Journey Behind the falls

🇨🇦 3. Butterfly Conservatory

🇨🇦 4. Hornblower Niagara Cruise

🇨🇦 5. Skywheel & Clifton Hill St. - restaurants, shops, etc

🇺🇸 6. Niagara Falls State Park (Buffalo)

🇺🇸 7. Prospect Point Observation Tower

🇺🇸 8. Anchor Bar - when in Buffalo for Buffalo wings

🇨🇦 9. Try some Poutine in Canada! (I know i know, it is at Niagara Falls so it may not count for some people, but it counted for me!)

🇨🇦 10. Canadian maple syrup tasting
Other things we did: zombie attack (only with the teenager kid), movie land wax museum (pretty hilarious), cosmic coaster (even the 7-8 years old loved this one!), ghost blasters, mini golf, fudge tasting, Tim Hortons all the time (tim bits all the time), and plenty of walking.
Other things to do that we didn’t do this time (we have done them before or just decided not this time or just too similar between Canada and USA): whirlpool aero car, skylon tower - visit or dinner (Canada), Maid of the Mist (USA, very similar to Hornblower in Canada), Cave of Winds (USA), maybe a winery!
Have fun with your joruney!